A pristinely kept and extremely rare Rian Mangorn Koo Nuea Nava Loha Pim Pised Dtok Sorng Code Ma Wat Pha Nong Lom Run Sao Ha Maha Sethee 5th Lunar Saturday Blessing Ceremony Edition Guru Monk Coin, released in 2543 BE, to raise funds for the Kuti Songk Monks Huts and improve the facilities at the temple of Wat Pha Nong Lom.
This model of Rian Mangorn Koo twin dragons Monk Coin is a very rare Pim Pised (Niyom preferred) and differs from the majority of Rian Mangorn Koo Wat Pha Nong Lom Edition coins in Nava Loha, because of the double code MA stamp. Most coins of the Nava Loha series made for Wat Pha Nong Lom have only a single code Ma Stamp (on the Sangkati chest sash of the robe of Luang Phu), and only the Pim Pised special models received double code stamps. Only very few (unknown number) were distributed with double code stamp, making this not only a sacred, powerful master class amulet, but also a rare collectors piece.
The Rian Mangorn Koo of Luang Phu Hmun is, as are all of his amulets, known for the power of Jaroen Lap Wealth Increasement, and Lucky Fortunes, as well as for their Miraculous Protective Powers. Those born in the year of the dragon love to Bucha this amulet especially, for the obvious reason of the double dragon guardians.
For those with lower budgets, who seek power above collectability and rarity, we recommend to seek the Rian Mangorn Nuea Tong Daeng or Nava Loha single Code Ma, of the same edition, which carries a lower price than this special Nava Loha Pim Pised Gammagarn double code collectors edition model.
Roop Muean Luang Por Khwan Wat Ban Rai 2538 BE Nuea Samrit Ud Kring Loi Ongk Guru Monk Statuette
A most rare and precious first edition Guru Monk statuette, forged in the image of Luang Por Khwan of Wat Ban Rai, in Nuea Chanuan Samrit Saksit Sacred Alchemical Bronze alloy. Blessed from the Great Luang Por Khwan, of Wat Ban Rai. An Essential and Extreme Rarity for Devotees of Luang Por Khwan. This 2538 BE release assisted Luang Por Khwan to raise funds for the completion of the Upsatha Chapel Shrineroom at Wat Ban Rai, and is hence extremely meritorious.
A perfect Mini Bucha statuette or wearable amulet, for those who revere this monk, and who wear his amulets, to pray to, remember, and revere the Master, whose powerful blessings and magic is imbued within the amulets.
Released in 2538 BE. Luang Por Khwan's power became famous with his magic rings, the Hwaen Dtakror Elemental Fire Ring for Kong Grapan Chadtri Protection.
The amulets of Luang Por Khwan are highly renowned as powerful Amulets, with many legends surrounding them. Luang Por Khwan's Pirod Hua Dtakror rings were especially favored, and made in various versions of weave, 3 Khad, 4 Khad, 1 Khad. It was only much later in 2525 that Luang Por Khwan allowed the release of amulets with his own image, in the form of coins, Roop Muean Loi Ongk Statuettes, and Muan Sarn Sacred Powder Images.
Luang Por Khwan was born on 18th September, in 2451 BE in Ban Rai District in the Municipality of Sam Ngam, in Pijit Province. He was Ordained into the Sangha as a Monk in 2470 BE during the fourth lunar waning day phase of the 8th waxing moon. He was a Monk who developed many charitable projects and funded many construction projects for auspicious buildings for the benefit of the local citizens, such as Temples, schools, and hospitals, as well as donating large sums of money to charitable causes.
He would make amulets to donate to people who came and gave alms at the temple, including famous Luang Por Khwan amulets such as the Pra Somdej Paetch Hleek, Many types of Takrut, and the most favored of all, the 'Hwaen Pra Pirod', magic ring of power and protection, which enjoys the commonly known nickname of 'Hwaen Dtakror'.
Luang Por Khwan of Wat Ban Rai in Pijit, passed away in 2548 BE, at the old age of 97 years old. There are many tales of miracle events and of his powerful amulets, which have made him and his famous amulets, the stuff of Historical Legend. His Patipatā was impeccable, and his charitable deeds for the folk of Ban Rai have kept him in the hearts of devotees of the temple to this day, where his remains are in glass coffin for devotees to worship and pay reverence to.
The Miracle of Luang Por Khwan's Hwaen Pra Pirod Ring of Fire;
Mrs. Malay Banya Pim, tells the Miraculous tale of how Luang Phu Khwan's amulets, helped her husband to survive certain death. In the year 2539 BE, her Husband, who was a Praratrooper Regiment Soldier resident in the Pitsanuloke Barracks, jumped out of a plane at a height of 5,500 feet. His parachute did not open. Even his emergency parachute refused to open, which was when he thought he had no chance of survival, and focused on his family members, holding Luang Por Khwan in his mind, preparing to die.
His colleagues landed, and rushed his body to the hospital where the doctor warned not to raise one's hopes too high, as such a high fall should result in death, or permanent brain damage, as his head had struck the floor. Arms were broken completely, and he was placed in a high emergency state ward.
After some time though, he regained consciousness, and doctors were amazed to see that he seemed to be completely recovered. Then, they were stunned to find that his broken arm was completely unhurt and just as it had been before.
All of this complete miraculous recovery happened in 23 days in the hospital without any operation. The doctos who were to operate on the broken arm were flabberghasted to find the arm in perfect original condition and in no need of operating, and could not understand how such a thing could occur.
It came to light later that her husband's father had been to the temple to see Luang Por Khwan, and asked him to take the written name and address of the ward, and hospital and focus on healing his son. Both the amulet saving him from the fall, and Luang Por Khwan's remote healing power, served to completely save both the man's life, and his physical health.
Luang Por Khwan passed away in the year 2548 BE at the age of 97 after 78 years of ordained life serving Buddhism.