Phra Somdej Khee Singh LP Derm Wat Nong Po Ancient Ivory Carved Buddha Riding Himapant Lion

Pra Somdej Khee Singh, in Nuea Nga Gae ancient ivory Luang Por Derm. A most beautifully crafted Sacred hand carved Ivory Votive Tablet with Buddha Image seated on a Rachasri Himapant Lion, from the Great Luang Por Derm of Wat Nong Po. The Paya Rachasri Lion is a denizen, and indeed king of the Himapant Forest Animals, and represents Maha Amnaj, Kong Grapan, Serm Yos, and Klaew Klaad Power.

Ivory itself is believed by Thai Buddhist Folk to possess Kong Grapan Invincibility, and especially Maha Amnaj Commanding Power, for indeed the Great Elephant is the largest animal on land, and the most imposing animal to find in any jungle. Even the Tiger itself fears the Elephant. The lines which have formed from contraction of the ivory over time reveals the authenticity and true age of the ivory, and the amulet, which reaches the Era of Luang Por Derm’s Mid Era or even before, and is very ancient indeed.

The Rachasri Lion is representative of Maha Amnaj Commanding Power and Intimidating Aura. The Paya Rachasri Phone (also called Rachasri Bpon Hyuea) amulet endows the wearer with Protection and Commanding Power, Social and Professional Status, and Good Chances of Promotion through the Aura of Respectability and Personal Power. The Rachasri Lion appears in multiple myths and Legends dating back to the Vedic Times and before, and is seen as the King of the Himapant forest.

The Singha Tiger and Rachasri Lion image, has been found documented in the ancient ‘Dtamra Pichai Songkram, Grimoire of Warcraft, that Thai Warriors wore the talisman as a form of protection, wielding Kong Grapan Chadtri and Klaew Klaad Evasion Magic power, endowed with Maha Amnaj (Commanding Power & Dominion).

The Rachasri Lion has appeared in a multitude of Thai Buddhist and vedic Myths and Legends, including the Ramayana and the Thai Ramakien Epic. His great Metta as well as his Bravery is always revealed in the legends. The Singha and the Rachasri Himapant Lions are an Animist Deity from Vedic Lore that has been an integral part of Thai Buddhist People’s belief since the advent of Buddhism.

Free EMS Worldwide Registered Express Airmail Shipping is included with this amulet. This is an amulet that will not have been made in mass, and is carved from Ivory, and blessed by Luang Por Derm.

Luang Por Derm blessed and empowered a great many different kinds of carved wood and ivory, and tooth amulets, for example his world famous ‘Singh Sam Khwan’ carved Himapant Lion amulets. This Pra Somdej amulet is one of the rarer items to encounter, for it is carved with the Singh Sam Khwan HImapant Lion as the Steed of the Buddha, is in Very Fine Condition, and displays the true patina and beauty of ancient ivory in all its aspects, and is hence especially attractive for its power, and the fact it is in such beautiful condition, and carved with such fine artisanry.

This exhibit is carved in the shape of the Pim Khee Rachasri Buddha, and is not only for protection power and status, through the Rachasri, but also of course, for Buddhanussati, remembrance of the Buddha, (to remind one of one’s practice (to keep the 5 precepts to allow the amulets power to emit), and empowered to bring Good Karma, increase status, lifesaving miracles, protective shield, powerful commanding aura, and high possibilities of promotion.

Luang Por Derm was Born on Wednesday 6 February 2403 BE and Died on Tuesday 22 June 2494 BE. He was one of the Greatest Masters of Thai Buddhist History, whose amulets, and famous ‘Mitmor’ ritual spirit knives are legendary around the whole wide world, for their authentic power, and Master Class Status. The Wicha of Luang Por Derm is continued to this day through his Looksit of the various Master Lineages,

HIs carved ivory, and wooden amulets are rare items, for they were made by individual Artisans who were Initiated and had received the Wicha, and ‘Korb Kroo’ Ritual Empowerment as permission from Luang Por Derm himself. Only such Lineage Master Initiates were allowed to perform carving or knife forging for Luang Por Derm, and even to this day after his passing, all the Posthumous Editions of amulets which derive from Masters who are Initiates of Luang Por Derm, must use only amulets and Artisanry which has been made by an Initiated Artisan.

Kata Paya Rachasri Chanting Tutorial


This great Master and Abbot of Wat Nong Po, is believed to have chosen to be born on Earth in the village of Nong Po, to lighten the sufferings of Buddhist People, and to bestow them with Blessings to lead them on their way towards Happiness, and Alleviate their Sufferings, and Poverty. Legend tells that Luang Por Derm is believed to have been born once before with the same parents in Nong Po Village, but he died at an early age. The mother and father were so sad, and at the burial, it is said that they took a ritual knife, and made some marks on the feet of the corpse of the child.

They prayed for the child to be reborn with them, and that if this miracle would truly happen, that the newborn return of the child, would be marked on the feet with these marks. It is said that when Luang Por Derm was born, that he had the very same lines marking his feet, exactly where his parents had made marks on the feet of their deceased son. It is hence believed that this was the first Miracle of Luang Por Derm.

Luang Por Derm did not study much at school during his childhood, but after he ordained into the Sangha as a Buddhist Monk, he gave intense efforts and great interest to learn Bariyatti Dhamma (Theoretical Dhamma) with Luang Por Chom the then Abbot of Wat Nong Po at that time. He never stopped practicing and studying the various aspects of Dhamma Practice, Vinaya, Wicha Akom (Sorcery) and Lekh Yant Agkhara Khom, which He studied with Nai Pan Choo Pan, who was an Adept Sorceror who was resident within the enclave of Wat Nong Po Temple.

Nai Pan was a direct looksit of Luang Por Tao of Wat Nong Po who was an ancient Master Sorceror and Abbot of Wat Nong Po. He studied for seven years with this Master Sorceror, until his passing.. When his teacher Nai Pan passed away, Luang Por Derm then continued to practice and study Wicha with Luang Por Mee at Wat Bang Bon, another temple of the district in Nakorn Sawan, where he remained for a period of 2 Years. He also learned Tripitaka with Luang Por Num of Wat Khao Tong.

He also learned with Ajarn Yaem (a Lay Master who was Genius at both Dhamma Sermon Giving, and Wicha Akom). Luang Por Derm learned how to Preach Dharma, until he became an expert Preacher of Dhamma, and became recognized for his Immense Ability to interpret the difficult Dhamma Lessons and simplify them to explain to the Local Folk. Devotees would beseech him from all around the Province to come and Preach Dhamma to them.

Luang Por spent many years performing Preachings. until one day he stopped, and said that every time he wold go to tell others how to practice, and they wold give donations, that he thought it would be better to stop, and focus on teaching himself. he would send his apprentices who had learned well from him in his stead, and retired from this practice sometime around his eleventh year of ordination. he then focused on developing Vipassana Kammathana methods of self transformation, and dedicated himself extrememly diligently to develop the causes of enlightenment (Arahantship). he became famous for his ability to sit erect for many many hours, beyond the ability of other Masters.


It was here, that Luang Por’s ability in Wicha Akom began to ascend to a very high level, and his magical abilities began to take form. and become extremely powerful. The fruits of his practice and studies which began with Nai Pan, and the many Kroo Ba Ajarn who had passed Wicha on to him flourished.


Luang Por still continued throughout this time to study with many other Masters, most of whose names are not known, for Luang Por Derm never really told others about his secret Masters, nor did he brag about the things he had learned, and the places he went too learāļ· them. It is however known, that Luang Por did learn intensive Wicha Akom Saiyawaet with Luang Por Saban, and Luang Por Taes, of Wat Sap Tale, and Luang Por Wat Khao Nor

The amulets of Luang Por Derm are far and few between to be found, for indeed the many devotees of Luang Por derm, are never prone to part with their amulets, which are highly revered as Buddhanussati Remembrance of the Great Master, and considered irreplaceable for their Great Magical Power to Protect from Danger, Evade Hardships, and Nurture Success in LIfe’s Undertakings.

Kochasri carved ivory Himapant Elephanmt-Lion Luang Por Heng

Large size Pim Yai Kochasri carved ivory elephant headed himapant lion LP Heng FIRST prize winning competition Master Class carved ivory amulet with certification, a most pristine well honed piece of Sacred Artisanry, and Master-Class Pra Niyom Classic of authenticity, great beauty, and true power, the Paya Kochasri hand carved Old Ivory Ancient Amulet from the Great Olden Days Guru master of Nakorn Sawan Province, Luang Por Heng, of Wat Khao Din (2402 – 2485 BE). The amulet is made from carved Ivory, and is carved in the image of a Kochasri Himapant Lion with Elephant Head, which represents various aspects of Maha Amnaj, Metta, Klaew Klaad, and Maha Pokasap Cornucopia Magic.

Free EMS Shipping is Included with this item. The Kochasri Lion itself, especially when carved from Ivory, is naturally imbued with the Sorcerous Powers of Maha Amnaj (commanding power and influence), Serm Yos Status Increase for positions of command, and opportunities of promotion, and Metta Mahaniyom Mercy Charm to lull your Subjects and Charm them into Obedience. Maha Pokasap treasure Accumulation and Cornucopia of Requisites is also Imbued.

Kochasri carved ivory elephant headed himapant lion LP Heng

This amulet comes with First Prize Trophy and Plasticized A4 size Certificate from the Amulets Association of Siam


1st prize trophy

Luang Por Heng

Luang Por Heng, of Wat Khao Din, was born in Ban Maha Po, Nakorn Sawan, as the son of Mr Sangkh, and Mrs. Biam. he was given the name ‘Heng’ which is an auspicious word, because of the meaning in Chinese (and Thai Colloquial), being ‘Good Luck’, or ‘Good Fortune’.

Luang Por Heng Wat Khao Din

Even as a child, he was always showing Mercy and Compassion to animals, and liked to do good deeds to alleviate their suffering. It was sometimes even a problem, when his Father sent him to watch over the farm fields. The birds would come to steal the rice, but the young Heng would not chase them away or shoot at them, because he considered it an act of Generosity to the Birds, to let them eat. The young boy Heng loved to educate himself, and would often travel to see Luang Por Tap at Wat Maha Po temple, to learn various Wicha with him, including the Wicha Paet Boran Traditional Medicine, Wicha Akom, and the Wicha Kochasart.

The Kocha Sastra (Kochasart), is an ancient Wicha found in the Wicha Dtrai Taep of the Brahman Hindu Faith. The Wicha Kochasart is related to Elephant Magic, and is Used for Protecting the Kingdom. The Dtamra is found to be split into two major Kampira Grimoires, as separate categories;

1. Dtamra Kochalaks – which deals with Invocation of the Tendencies and Character Powers of the Elephant, both the good and the bad parts, the merciful and the destructive.

2. Dtamra Kocha Gam – this Dtamra deals with Kata Waetmont Incantations to invoke various powers or magical effects, for various purposes, such as catching elephant, controlling an elephant, healing of ailments, or banishing evil curses and forest spirits, in order to protect elephants.

The Wicha of the Dtamra Kochasart tells of the Chang Mongkol which was created from the lotus which rose from the navel of Pra Narai Vishnu Avatar, when he gave birth to the Golden Kumarn, which he gave to Shiva at the beginning of Time. The elephant was split into four families of Magical Elephants, each with its own special qualities.

  1. The first elephant was made by the God Brahma, and was endowed with the power to bring success and prosperity and Glorious Achievements to the Nation and its People.
  2. The second elephant family was made by the God Shiva, and was endowed with the power to bring great Achievements of Powerful Status and Influence to the Kingdom or Nation, and fill its Coffers with Wealth.
  3. The third elephant was made by the God Vishnu himself, and was endowed with the power to bring Victory against all Enemies and Opponents, and will cause the Rains to fall at the proper time and season, without drought or flooding, and the harvest to be plentiful and ripe.
  4. The fourth elephant was made by the God of Fire, Agni, which was endowed with the Power to bring Plentiful Resources to the Nation, and Protect the Land and its Ruler from all forms of danger and disasters.

This was just one of the many powerful Wicha which Luang Por Heng learned to Master from a young age under his first Kroo Ba Ajarn long before he Ordained. Once the young boy Heng reached the age of 12 years old, his parents took him to be ordained as a Samanera Novice Monk at Wat Maha Po, where he remained and intensified his study and practice as an Ordained member of the Buddhist Sangha. After 4 years, he disrobed again, to help his parents on the farm. When he came of age, he reordained as a fully fledged Bhikkhu in the year 2423, once more at the temple of Wat Maha Po. Pra Kroo Gim, the abbot, was his Upachaya Ordaining Officer.


After his ordination, he studied the Dhamma Vinaya Buddhist Canon, Horasart (Astrology), and Wityakom (Occult Sciences), with ever increasing fervency, under the supervision of Luang Por Gim as Kroo Ba Ajarn. Wat Maha Po (Dtai) had one of the largest Bibliotheques of Kampira (Grimoires of Sorcery), and was an excellent place for Luang Por Heng to expand and develop his knowledge in Wityakom Occult Sciences. In addition, the Uposatha Shrineroom was imbued with Maha Ud, perfect for empowerment of amulets and talismans, and was very sacred, over 300 years Old. Luang Por Heng found himself in the perfect environment for developing his now Adept Skills.


Wat Maha Po Dtai lay on the banks of the rive Mae Ping, which meant that many Tudong Forest monks would pass by on their travels, to stay and practice (and teach their secrets). And so Luang Por Heng was able to access and receive Wicha from a large number of great Tudong Monks over the years, until one day, he decided to go on Tudong himself.


Luang Por Heng wandered in solitary through the wilderness, forests and caves of Thailand, Burma, Laos and Cambodia many times repeatedly over many years. He slept in the forest, the caves, the delapidated cemeteries, and meditated to develop his resilience of mind, and the powers which accompany such resilience developed their strength and intensity.


His mastery of the many Animist Wicha such as the Kochasart, allowed him to understand and intuit the true nature of animals, and he became able to call the spirits of dead animals to enter into carved or molded effigies, and inhabit them with their powers.

Below; Hand Written Spells in Khom Agkhara are visibly inscribed on the base of the Paya Kochasri Amulet


During his years of diligent Tudong Practice in the deep Jungles, he learned about the Magical foces within ivory, imbued with the four Magical Properties of the Dtamra Kochasart, and the Chang Mongkol of the Gods Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu and Agni. he mastered the knowledge through intuition and meditation, that this Elephant Magic within the Ivory has two branches of influence;

  1. Nga Gam Jad is the Ivory from a Bull Elephant who was in Mating Season Anger and attacked a tree breaking his tusk on the tree
  2. Nga Gam Jaay is ivory from an elephant who fought with another Bull for the leadership of the troupe, and broke his Tusk in the fight, in the depths of the Jungle.

Luang Por Heng would always collect and gather all the Magical ivory he found in the forests and Jungles during his years of Tudong, which had fallen from the two scenarios of Elephants in Rage, to use their powerful substance later, to shape into animist charms and talismans. Mostly his amulets are carved into the form of Suea (Tigers) Kochasri (elephant Head Lion Himapant Animal), Hmuu Pha (Wild Boar), and his own image. A few other forms are also found on rare occasions.

Luang Por Heng passed away in 2485 at the age of 83, after 63 years in the Ordained Sangha, leaving his pantheon of Krueang Rang for us, the Devotees and Aficionados, to appreciate, and be protected and prosper through their blessings.

Luang Por Heng possessed a special ability for Wicha using his magical ivory, and bone collected in the forests, and his immensely advanced and long trajectory in Buddhist Sorcery, making his amulets and talismans amongst the most highly sort after in this Genre. It is not possible to speak of ivory tiger amulets without mention of Luang Por Heng, who stands at the pinnacle of the Genre, along with the Great Luang Por Parn, Luang Por Derm, Luang Por Say and Luang Por Nok. His carved Ivory amulets are the most highly sought after, and considered to be powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad Protective amulets, with added Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Pokasap, and Maha Amnaj (commanding power and influence).

You can use the Kata Paya Rachasri for Kochasri and other Singha Type Himapant Lion Deities.