The Most Sacred and Potent Dao Nai Pan Nai Pon Lucky Star Amulet, crafted by the revered Luang Por Pina – a Sacred Charm of Karma Improvement, and a Fortunate Star of Protection, Wealth, Elevated Status, Advancement, and Propitious Destiny. This specimen is of medium size, referred to as Pim Klang, measuring 3.2 x 2 cm. The face of the five-pointed star is painted a radiant red, while the back of the eight-pointed star gleams in silver, a common trait of this particular model. This is the two-faced amulet featuring both a five and eight-pointed pentacle, coated with lustrous silver-orange hued Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. This particular piece is imbued with extra potency, as it contains Mai Gon Fa Pha – the essence of lightning-struck treewood – within its base.

The Dao Nai Pan is a unique amulet, featuring two distinct stars, each with its own significance. On one side lies a five-pointed star, reminiscent of the Military Star, while the other boasts an eight-pointed pentacle, reminiscent of the Police Force emblem. Though these symbols hold great meaning within the context of the military and police force, the true spiritual significance imbued within each star design runs much deeper.

This amulet is often revered for its abilities to enhance wealth through its potent Maha Lap Magick. Yet, it contains within its confines a vast collection of hallowed Buddhist blessings, exerting powerful and propitious effects on the forces of karma. It is tradition to wear the amulet with the pendant ring inclined, as prescribed by the original edition of the Mae Nuea Horm Lucky Star (which was larger in size and featured a crescent moon below the star).