Amulets of Luang Phu Songk Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Ya Sen (Ya Soop) of Luang Por Songk:

In the realm of mystical charms and spiritual treasures, there exists a rare and sacred magical charm known as the Ya Sen (Ya Soop). This enchanting muan sarn is sacred tobacco from smoking or chewing, by LP Songk, and used to make amulets, revered by devotees of the esteemed Luang Por Songk. The Ya Soop holds a profound significance in the spiritual realm of Thai Buddhist amulet aficionados. It is a testament to the divine connection between the wearer and Luang Por Songk, a Maha Thera Gaeji Ajarn whose spiritual mastery remains unparalleled.

The Sacred “Ya Soop” Tobacco

Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk

Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk Sacred Tobacco

The Ya Sen, also known as “smoking medicine” or “aromatic medicine,” manifests itself in two distinct forms—a spherical encasement of loose tobacco and as one of Luang Por Songk’s sacred cigar stubs. Within the sphere lies the highly sacred Ya Sen, a spiritual conduit that establishes a profound connection with Luang Por Songk through the practice of Gurunussati. The spherical Waterproof Casing of this exhibit classifies it as belonging to the sacred “Look Om” category. However, it is worth noting that the Ya Sen of Luang Por Songk can also be found in the form of his revered cigars.
Luang Por Songk, Master Sorceror Monk of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi in Chumpon.

The Great Luang Phu Songk was known for his Holy Prayer water and its ability to fend off even the most powerful black magic, and was reputed to be able to take Hnang Kwai buffalo skin (sacred magical substance), and Mitmor knifes into the stomach without any wounds or bleeding, and insert magical objects under the skin of a devotee, just by performing incantations.[/caption]

The Mystical Essence of Spirituality within the Ya Soop

The Ya Soop, or Magic Ya Sen, carries within it the very essence of Luang Por Songk’s spiritual practice and blessings. It possesses a divine potency believed to bring forth luck, protection, and spiritual elevation to those fortunate enough to wear it. The enchantments bestowed upon this sacred tobacco by Luang Por Songk create a powerful aura of positivity, shielding the wearer from negative influences while attracting auspicious energies.

Luang Por Songk’s Divine Influence

Luang Por Songk Chantasaro of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi was revered not only for his Magic Ya Sen amulets but also for his profound ability to bless and heal through his Holy Prayer Water. His fame as an adept and his popularity as a spiritual guide extended across two regions—the Southern province of Chumphon and the bustling city of Bangkok. Devotees from far and wide flocked to Luang Por Songk’s humble abode, where they encountered a water bowl filled with the sacred Holy Prayer Water. This blessed elixir, infused with the energy of his nightly meditations, possessed extraordinary healing properties.

Mortal Remains (Sri-Ra), of the Great Luang Phu Songk, during the funerary rites.

Mortal Remains (Sri-Ra), of the Great Luang Phu Songk, during the funerary rites.

Those who had the privilege of drinking or using this Holy Prayer Water for their devotional prayers witnessed miraculous transformations within themselves. Countless individuals experienced solace, healing, and blessings, as the divine miracles performed by Luang Por Songk brought them closer to their deepest desires and aspirations.

Biography of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro

Biographical photograph of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro (2432 - 2526 BE)

Biographical photograph of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro (2432 – 2526 BE)

The life journey of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro was one intertwined with spiritual exploration, meditation, and unwavering service to others. Let us delve into some key milestones that shaped the extraordinary life of this revered master.

Birth and Early Years

Luang Por Songk Chantasaro entered this world on a sacred Tuesday, during the first phase of the sixth month in the Lunar Calendar of the year 2433 BE. Born in Swee Township, nestled amidst the fertile lands where his parents toiled as humble farmers, his path was destined for greatness.

Ordination and Forest Wandering

At the tender age of 18, Luang Por Songk embarked upon the path of enlightenment as a Samanera Novice Monk at Wat Swee. For two years, he immersed himself in the study of Dhamma Vinaya, the profound teachings of Buddhism. However, he temporarily disrobed to assist his family on the farm, a testament to his deep-rooted sense of familial duty.
Image of the Great Luang Por Songk Chantasaro in meditative posture. Luang Por Songk was the abbot of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi Buddhist temple
Yearning to deepen his spiritual practice, at the age of 21, Luang Por Songk returned to Wat Swee seeking permission to re-ordain as a fully fledged Bhikkhu. His soul yearned for solitude, and he embarked on an extensive journey through forests and mountains. Under the guidance of esteemed masters, he delved into the teachings of Buddhism, honing his meditation techniques, and furthering his spiritual growth.

Attaining Adepthood

After years of unwavering dedication, rigorous training, and a relentless pursuit of wisdom, Luang Por Songk achieved the esteemed status of Maha Thera Gaeji Ajarn. His profound insights, exceptional healing powers, and extraordinary psychic abilities earned him the unwavering reverence of the monastic community and the general public alike.
The Great Luang Phu Songk was known for his Holy Prayer water and its ability to fend off even the most powerful black magic, and was reputed to be able to take Hnang Kwai buffalo skin (sacred magical substance), and Mitmor knifes into the stomach without any wounds or bleeding, and insert magical objects under the skin of a devotee, just by performing incantations.

Establishing Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Inspired by his spiritual calling, Luang Por Songk established Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi—a sanctuary of peace nestled amidst the serene beauty of Chumphon. This sacred abode became a beacon of hope for spiritual seekers, who sought solace, guidance, and the blessings bestowed by the enlightened master.
Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Legacy and Passing

Luang Por Songk’s physical presence may have transcended to the realm of eternal bliss in the year 2552 BE, but his spiritual legacy lives on, inspiring and uplifting the lives of countless individuals. His profound teachings continue to guide seekers on their path towards enlightenment, and his benevolent presence is felt by all those who seek his wisdom.
Amulets of Luang Phu Songk, Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

The magical amulets and blessings of Luang Por Songk continue to bless the lives of those who connect with his enchanted Ya Sen and other amulets many of which were sprayed and blessed in the sacred Holy Prayer Water of Luang Phu Songk. The magic of his divine blessings remains an eternal source of healing, protection, and spiritual elevation to those who revere this Great Khao Or Lineage Buddhist Master.

Pra Putta Mongkol Maha Lap Amulets Mae

The Pra Somdej Mongkol Maha Lap amulet series of 2499 BE, was released at Wat Sarnath, in Rayong, to fund the creation and installment of the Pra Putto Pas Chinarat Jom Muni Buddha statue, which was made at Wat Sapmant Wongs, in Bangkok, and donated to be installed at Wat Sarnath, as the Pra Pratan main Central Buddha image within the Uposatha shrine room.

Below; a rare version of Pra Somdej Nakprok Mongkol Maha Lap Nuea Pong Maha Solos Daeng 2499 BE Mae Chee Bun Ruean Wat Awut
in Nuea Daeng

Somdej Mongkol Maha Lap Pim Prok Po Mae Chee Bun Ruean

Somdej Mongkol Maha Lap Pim Prok Po Mae Chee Bun Ruean Wat Awut.

The amulets were made in various powders, white nuea solos, brown nuea wan, and red nuea wan sabu luead, as well as nuea bailan and other admixtures. Some received the inscription of the Yant Putto, or the Yant Dto Rasamee, of Mae Chee Bun Ruean, and others were left with ‘Hlang Riab’ ‘smooth faced’ rear sides. All versions contain the famous pong Maha Solos Maha Lap (Pong Guubose), which is legendary for its powers

This amulet comes with the existing Stainless Steel Casing – The alternative of Free Waterproof Casing is also an Optional Offer with this Amulet, if you wish to encase with Waterproof Casing at no extra cost. Free Registered Airmail Shipping Worldwide is offered included with this amulet, as is the case with all amulets in Ancient Amulet Store.

There was never a ceremony to invite the Devas so majestic as the ceremony performed by Mae Chee Bun Ruean, which included not only the ubiquitous incenses, puffed rice, flower garlands in 7 different colors, but also a total of 375 Kinds of Food Offerings! The Benja and 9 Saewadta Chadtras offered, 5 sork high (‘sork’being a Thai form of measurement, meaning ‘5 elbows’, slightly over 2 Feet per ‘sork’). Five Golden and Silver Bai Sri were place in offering, also 5 sork high in stature.

The chanting ceremonyn to bless the holy water with the assistance of the attendiing Devas, was then mixed with the sacred powders used for the muan sarn clays of the amulets. Many great and psychically attained monks were invited to empower and bless the sacred ingredients for the amulets, and the amulets themself after their pressing;

1. Pra Prohm Muni (LP Phin Suwajo), of Wat Bovornives Vora Viharn, 2. Pra Worawaet Kunajarn (LP MIan Bpappasaro), of Wat Pra Chetupon Wimon Manghalaram, 3. Pra Maha Racha Manghalajarn, 4. Pra Kroo Winaiton (LP Fueang Yana Bpaheebpo), 5. Pra Sa-Ard Apiwattano, of Wat Sampant Wongs, 6. Pra Kroo Nor, of Wat Klang Ta Ruea, in Ayuttaya, 7. Pra Ajarn Bung, of Wat Mai Nong Sen, and 8. Pra Luang Por Chorp Sammajaree, of Wat Awut Wigasitaram in Thonburi, as well as the prior and later blessings and empowerments made by Mae Chee Bun Ruean Herself.
In Addition, during the Deva Abhiseka, the Ruesi Yogi Ajarn Rerb (Ajarn Chern Jantr Paetch), who was a very powerful and famous Ruesi of the Era, assisted in empowering the amulets.

Then a second empowerment session was performed, with the amulets pressed and placed covered with 7 layers of 7 green and 7 white cloths covering them, placed upon an altar in the center of the shrine room.

Many people in the amulet world have been interested in knowing what was used in the making of the sacred powder admixtures, and so we find it impportant to document and list them in this article, for posterity and study;
1. Sacred Powders from a Host of Great Masters of that Era and Previous Eras, through the lineage of each Master who donated and empowered the powders.

2. Powders from Wat Chetupon, Wat Sri Totsataep, Wat Sampant Wongs(Wat Sampantawongs).

3. Broken powdered pieces of ancient sacred amulets.

4. Powdered up herbal ingredients with magical properties, ground up to make a brownish herbal powder.

5. Earths from 7 Prosperous Ports, and the banks of 7 Sacred Lakes. 6. Powders made from taking ancient Kampir Grimoires of Sorcery (Sacred in themself), of both the Bailan Beige Parchmnent variety, and the Samut Khoi black Parchment variety of Grimoire, and burn them and grind into powders, with 5 repetitions of admixture, adding powders from previous editions of amulets.

6. Earths from sacred Pilgrimage Places of the Life of the Buddha in India, brought back to be used for the admixture, to bring Sacred Buddhakhun Power to the amulets, with earths from the important places of the Buddha’s Life, such as the Buddha’s birth, earths from around the Bodhi Tree where the Buddha’s Enlightenment occurred, the place where he gave his first sermon in Varanasi (the Dhamma Chakra), and earths from the place of the Buddha’s Passing into Nibbana.

7. Earths from important places where the Buddha performed great Sermon, or Important Events in his Life occurred, and which are to this day, all sacred places and shrines to the Buddha.

8. Pong Poon Khaw Hin Rachaburi powders.

9. Sacred Talcs invoked with Negative Space inscribed Yantra Spells.

10. Nam Oy Sugarcane Juice.

The amulets are made from a Muan Sarn Sacred Powders composed of a large variety of sacred clay earths, herbal pollens and powders, and Puttakun powder. Herbs and Sacred ingredients with all sorts of different blessings and powers were added to give a complete range of blessings.

All these Muan Sarn ingredients were ground into fine powders, and separated into different admixtures, and mixed with holy water from the first Buddha Abhiseka and Deva Abhiseka Blessing Ceremony. The amulets were pressed as the Pra Somdej Pra Putta Mongkol Maha Lap (Buddha Manghala), Pra Nakprok, Pra Putto, and other forms such as various kinds of Pra Somdej, Nang Kwak, and other amulets.

Above and beyond this, the amulet is a Sacred Artifact of Buddhanussati, an authentic Sacred Buddha Image Votive Tablet, blessed and made in 2499 by Kun Mae Chee Bun Ruean, in two ceremonies held at Wat Sampantwongs and Wat Sarnath, both Mae Chee Bun Ruean Lineage Temples.

The amulets were handed out to devotees during a later ceremony who came to donate and support the installation of the Putta Sima temple boundary of Wat Sarnath, and many of the amulets were of course held for burial within shrine rooms and Chedi Stupas of choice, for later distribution, or accidental rediscovery long into the future.

This is a common practice with amulets, where they are placed in a hiding place chamber (Kru), or buried under the ground or under the floor of sacred places, as a way of preserving the fact that there was once a Buddha who walked upon this earth. Hiding Place amulets are also stored in Kru Chambers as a repository to use for fundraising by removing a number and distributing them to devotees who donate to the temple (Note; The placement and removal of amulets from Kru for providing a method of creating fundraisers only became a practice during the last century, after Buddhist amulets became a source of fundraising).

According to the written documentation of Luang Phu Tet Nitesago, the Pong Solos powders made by Mae Chee Bun Ruean to make the amulets, were made using the Wicha Prohmasat (Brahma Sastra), which invokes High Brahmas and Ariya Sangha (Enlughtened Beings), of the Sutawas celestial level, to empower the powders. They were made to distribute to devotees, and fund the installation of the Pra Putto Chinarach Jom Muni Buddha statue of Wat Sarnath.

The amulets have become very famed for their miraculous powers, due to many stories of miraculous events connected with devotees and the amulets. Mae Chee Bun Ruean invoked the spiritual Connections of the angelic beings of the Buddhist, Christian and Islamic Faiths to imbue their blessings, to protect people of all religions, who keep the precepts of goodness and abstention from evil acts. The real name of the powders is ‘Pong Maha Prohm Ariya Bodhisattva Phuu Bpen Jao’ (Powders of the Enlightened Brahmas who are Lords of their Existence’).

This was because of Ajarn Seng, who taught and revealed that all three religions, speak of the same one Super-consciousness or ‘God’ (Buddha-hood for Buddhists), but which different cultures over time split and adapted into their own social structures, and changed them according to their needs, but that all three are derived from the same fact that enlightened beings gave teachings to unenlightened humans, and were worshiped for it as messiahs, prophets, or gods, and became founders of these religions.

The great Luang Por Lee is said to have found the 2499 BE Somdej Mongkol Maha Lap so powerful that he basked for some of the broken ones to be given to him to mix into the sacred clay of his famous sacred Pra Bai Po Jak amulets of the 2500 BE 25 Centuries of Buddhism Mega Nationwide Amulet Ceremony.

Pra Bai Po Jakr LP Lee Wat Asokaram

Pra Bai Po Jakr LP Lee Wat Asokaram

According to the Pra Tamma Khant, all Somdej amulets must be made in numbers of 84,000, but it is rumored that the Pra Putta Mongkol maha lap amulets were made in much less numbers, which is an unconfirmed rumor, and would be dubious considering Mae Chee Bun Ruean’s tendency to be a stickler for proper ritual and adhere to the dtamrta of the Wicha.

The Pra Putta Mongkol Maha Lap amulet is often used as a substitute for the Pra Pong Solos of Luang Phu Tim (much more difficult to find and much more expensive). Luang Phu Tim himself was also invited to perform Nang Prok meditative empowerment on thje amulets, as he was 70 years old. Considered one of the best amulets of the 2500 BE Era of Thai Buddhist Amulets.

Pra Somdej Putta Mongkol Maha Lap various sizes in white Pong Solos Powders.

Pra Somdej Putta Mongkol Maha Lap various sizes in white Pong Solos Powders.

Anothjer version of the Pra Somdej Putta Mongkol Maha Lap Nuea Solos

Another version of the Pra Somdej Putta Mongkol Maha Lap Nuea Solos

Ancient Amulet - Thai Buddhist Pra Niyom Category Amulets

Ancient Amulet - Thai Buddhist Pra Niyom ('Pra Niyom'; meaning 'High End Preferred Class Antique amulets') Fine Authentic Amulets from the Great Thai Buddhist Sorcerer Monks, Lersi Ascetics, and Lay Masters of Olden Days


Discover the mesmerizing world of Thai Buddhist heritage with our unique collection of Pra Niyom amulets. These 'High End Preferred Class Antique amulets' are more than just collectibles; they are authentic spiritual artifacts hailing from the profound traditions of Thai Buddhist Sorcerer Monks, Lersi Ascetics, and revered Lay Masters of yesteryear. Our Pra Niyom amulets are a preservation of the memory of the Great Magical Masters of the past, and the Magic they wielded, and hopes to be a bridge to preserve this knowledge in the present and future. The information within Ancient Amulet website provides reference study material, textual and visual knowledge, for those seeking a deeper understanding of Thai spirituality and culture. These exquisite ancient Thai amulets,are not just for the seasoned collector but for anyone with an appreciation for authenticity, craftsmanship, and the deep-rooted traditions they represent.


Rian Glom Lek 2505 BE Por Tan Klai Wajasit (2)

Presenting a tiny but powerful and rare classic amulet from one of the Great Khao Or Masters of the 20th Century, Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi 2505 BE Nuea Tong Daeng Miniature Guru Monk Coin Por Tan Klai Wajasit

This Sacred amulet of the Great Khao Or Master of Nakorn Sri Tammarat, Master of Wat San Khan and Wat Pratat Noi, is a very rare amulet from Por Tan Klai’s 2505 BE Blessing Ceremony Edition, and is considered a ‘Jaek mae Krua’ type amulet (meaning ‘give to the kitchen maids and temple helpers’), which is suitable not only for men, but due to its miniature size, a perfect amulet for ladies or children to wear.

Rian Glom Lek 2505 BE Por Tan Klai Wajasit

Rian Glom Lek 2505 BE Por Tan Klai Wajasit Wat Suan Khan

The 2505 BE edition of amulets of Por Tan Klai, is a highly preferred edition, which saw his famous ‘Rian Glom’ round Monk coin amulet with Chakra released, The Rian Glom Lek Hlang Chedi, and the Roop Tai Por Tan Klai Guru Monk Blesséd Photographamulets such as look om chan hmak and ya sen tobacco balls, and sacred powder amulets of various models.

A very rare and highly prized amulet for the devotees of Por Tan Klai to associate with his image and pray to him with a blessed image of the Guru, and the Chedi Relic Stupa on rear face for Buddhanussati and Marananussati. A powerful and Sacred amulet which has passed through the hands of the Guru and been blessed by him.

Por Tan Klai was one of the Top Guru Master Monks of the Last Century, and is considered one of the Four Great Masters of the Previous Generation of Lineage Masters of the Khao Or Southern Sorcery Lineage.

Kata Bucha Por Tan Klai

Ancient Amulet - Thai Buddhist Pra Niyom Category Amulets

Ancient Amulet - Thai Buddhist Pra Niyom ('Pra Niyom'; meaning 'High End Preferred Class Antique amulets') Fine Authentic Amulets from the Great Thai Buddhist Sorcerer Monks, Lersi Ascetics, and Lay Masters of Olden Days


Discover the mesmerizing world of Thai Buddhist heritage with our unique collection of Pra Niyom amulets. These 'High End Preferred Class Antique amulets' are more than just collectibles; they are authentic spiritual artifacts hailing from the profound traditions of Thai Buddhist Sorcerer Monks, Lersi Ascetics, and revered Lay Masters of yesteryear. Our Pra Niyom amulets are a preservation of the memory of the Great Magical Masters of the past, and the Magic they wielded, and hopes to be a bridge to preserve this knowledge in the present and future. The information within Ancient Amulet website provides reference study material, textual and visual knowledge, for those seeking a deeper understanding of Thai spirituality and culture. These exquisite ancient Thai amulets,are not just for the seasoned collector but for anyone with an appreciation for authenticity, craftsmanship, and the deep-rooted traditions they represent.