Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn Luang Por Ding

One of the top Look Om of all Time; the Immortal Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn, of Luang Por Ding (Wat Bang Wua, Chachoengsao), in Nuea Dam Black Prai Powders and Gold Leaf coating, from the ancient times Abbot of of Wat Bang Wua: Luang Por Ding. LP Ding was highly renowned in his day, for his Palad Khik Ling Jab Hlak Vanora Monkey animist charms, and for his Sacred Powder Look Om wishing balls, made from his legendary Pong Ya Jet Paya Chang Sarn substance.
Look Om Luang Por Ding

The Sacred Jet Paya Chang Sarn Muan Sarn Sacred Powders were made from the Klai Pra Chedi (pieces of the ancient Chedi Stupas of 7 Temples), Klai Sema (ground up pieces of temple boundary stone) of 7 Temples, Pieces of stone from 7 Uposatha Shrinerooms, mixed with Pong Ittijae, & Pong Maharaj Yantra Powders.These substances were ground up in a mortar with incantations and molded into Look Om Sacred Powder Balls, of small size

The Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn of Luang Por Ding is noticeably dense and hard, for Luang Por Ding would let them harden first, and would mix the powders with Rak Herbal Lacquer resins. Some Look Om would be covered in gold leaf, and some would be left bare black colour.Luang Por Ding would keep the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and the Look Om he had made for a long time in his Kuti Hut to empower them, and would only release them when he was completely certain of their power.

Luang Por Ding would release the Look Om to his devotees during temple ceremonies, and on his birthday celebrations.The Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn is spoken of in the Legend of the Great ‘Suea Khaw’ Invincible Gangster, who was a Looksit of Luang Por Ding. Suea Khaw maintained that he survived throughout the years of his gunmanship because of the Look Om Paya Jet Chang Sarn, which stopped many bullets from piercing his skin and killing him over the years. It is said to have given Suea Khaw the strength and imposing aura of invincibility, to overcome all his enemies.

The Look Om gained the name of ‘Jet Paya Chang Sarn’ because of its legendary power to increase the stamina and strength of the devotee over his or her adversaries. It is said that the wearer of the Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn is endowed with the strength of the Paya Chang Sarn Battle Elephant. The Look Om is said to both Protect against all Dangers, and Endow the wearer with Commanding Power and Strength. Suea Khaw was a Gangster who was reputed to have defeated and killed over 100 of his competitors, and who had a reputation for his bravery and strength. Because his sole chosen amulet of protection and power was the Look Om Jet Paya Chang sarn, and the fact that nobody cold defeat him or kill him, was the reason for Luang Por Ding’s Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn becoming so Legendary.

Look Om 7 Paya Chang Sarn exhibits in magazine

But one day, Luang Por Ding told Suea Khaw that he was too violent and that if he did not give up being a gangster, then he would surely encounter a violent and premature death. Suea Khaw had become very overconfident because no knives were able to penetrate his skin, and guns would not fire when aimed at him. Because of the invincibility which Suea Khaw had been enjoying, Suea Khaw did not listen to Luang Por Ding’s warnings.

Close Up Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn Luang Phor Ding

One day the Police Force special missions unit came to Wat Bang Wua to ask Luang Por Ding if it was true that Suea Khaw possessed ‘Hnang Hniaw (‘sticky skin’. a term meaning a person with Kong Grapan Chadtri Magic). Luang Por Ding admitted that it was true that Suea Khaw possessed Protective Magic, and that he was not able to be killed with knives or guns. But Luang Por Ding added that Suea Khaw would fall prey to his own Karma without need of guns or knives, because he refused to listen and change his ways. Luang Por Ding added “I cannot tell you though, by which way the gangster Suea Khaw can be killed, for it would break my Precepts”.

But at this moment, one of the Samanera Novice Monks was listening and butted in to say to the Police “If you want to kill Suea Khaw, you have to use a bullet that has the head of the bullet cast from metal taken from the blade of a Mitmor spirit knife from Luang Por Soke (Wat Pak Klong)”.

LP Ding Wat Bang Wua Thai Master Monk

Luang Por Soke was a colleague of Luang Por Ding and holder of the same Lineage Wicha, and would inscribe the Wicha of Luang Por Ding onto the Blades of his Mitmor. Some time later the Police caught Suea Khaw and he was sentenced to death, and was executed by Government Executioner, using Bullets cast from the blade of a Mitmor of Luang Por Soke.

Look Om LP Ding

Luang Por Ding was renowned for his expertise in the Wicha Hanuman and other Vanora Monkey Deities. He personally blessed numerous hand-carved talismans, with the most skillfully crafted ones being the most sought after. Luang Por Ding is also connected to the Cow symbol, stemming from the name of his temple, Wat Bang Wua. His Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn is highly regarded and is considered a powerful amulet for Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud Klaew Klaad.

Luang Por Ding, was a Great Master of the Wicha Hanuman, and all Vanora Monkey Deities, for which he was extremely famous. He blessed many inimitable hand carved talismanic amulets (Krueang Rang), made from artisans of varied levels of skill, with of course the most masterfully carved attaining the highest level of preference. His Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn, by general consensus, to be one of the top Look Om of all Time and is also a high ranking amulet in the annals for Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud Klaew Klaad Power.

Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn

The Look Om Jet Paya Chang Sarn amulet of Luang Por Ding, released in the Thai Buddhist Era of 2480 BE, was made using a traditional method of infusing sacred powder, which is believed to possess spiritual and protective properties.

The powder was collected from rare and magical forest herbs, earths, and sacred materials over decades of Tudong forest wandering, along with the ubiquitous pieces of the ancient Chedi Stupas of 7 Temples, Klai Sema,stone from 7 Uposatha Shrinerooms, mixed with Pong Ittijae, & Pong Maharaj Yantra Powders and meticulously prepared over time, performing incantations constantly throughout, often through a long and intensive process, and is infused with prayers and blessings. The resulting amulet, known as a Luang Por Ding Thai Sacred Powder Wishing Ball, is a powerful and meaningful symbol of faith and spirituality for many Buddhists around the world.

Amulets of Luang Phu Songk Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Ya Sen (Ya Soop) of Luang Por Songk:

In the realm of mystical charms and spiritual treasures, there exists a rare and sacred magical charm known as the Ya Sen (Ya Soop). This enchanting muan sarn is sacred tobacco from smoking or chewing, by LP Songk, and used to make amulets, revered by devotees of the esteemed Luang Por Songk. The Ya Soop holds a profound significance in the spiritual realm of Thai Buddhist amulet aficionados. It is a testament to the divine connection between the wearer and Luang Por Songk, a Maha Thera Gaeji Ajarn whose spiritual mastery remains unparalleled.

The Sacred “Ya Soop” Tobacco

Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk

Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk Sacred Tobacco

The Ya Sen, also known as “smoking medicine” or “aromatic medicine,” manifests itself in two distinct forms—a spherical encasement of loose tobacco and as one of Luang Por Songk’s sacred cigar stubs. Within the sphere lies the highly sacred Ya Sen, a spiritual conduit that establishes a profound connection with Luang Por Songk through the practice of Gurunussati. The spherical Waterproof Casing of this exhibit classifies it as belonging to the sacred “Look Om” category. However, it is worth noting that the Ya Sen of Luang Por Songk can also be found in the form of his revered cigars.
Luang Por Songk, Master Sorceror Monk of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi in Chumpon.

The Great Luang Phu Songk was known for his Holy Prayer water and its ability to fend off even the most powerful black magic, and was reputed to be able to take Hnang Kwai buffalo skin (sacred magical substance), and Mitmor knifes into the stomach without any wounds or bleeding, and insert magical objects under the skin of a devotee, just by performing incantations.[/caption]

The Mystical Essence of Spirituality within the Ya Soop

The Ya Soop, or Magic Ya Sen, carries within it the very essence of Luang Por Songk’s spiritual practice and blessings. It possesses a divine potency believed to bring forth luck, protection, and spiritual elevation to those fortunate enough to wear it. The enchantments bestowed upon this sacred tobacco by Luang Por Songk create a powerful aura of positivity, shielding the wearer from negative influences while attracting auspicious energies.

Luang Por Songk’s Divine Influence

Luang Por Songk Chantasaro of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi was revered not only for his Magic Ya Sen amulets but also for his profound ability to bless and heal through his Holy Prayer Water. His fame as an adept and his popularity as a spiritual guide extended across two regions—the Southern province of Chumphon and the bustling city of Bangkok. Devotees from far and wide flocked to Luang Por Songk’s humble abode, where they encountered a water bowl filled with the sacred Holy Prayer Water. This blessed elixir, infused with the energy of his nightly meditations, possessed extraordinary healing properties.

Mortal Remains (Sri-Ra), of the Great Luang Phu Songk, during the funerary rites.

Mortal Remains (Sri-Ra), of the Great Luang Phu Songk, during the funerary rites.

Those who had the privilege of drinking or using this Holy Prayer Water for their devotional prayers witnessed miraculous transformations within themselves. Countless individuals experienced solace, healing, and blessings, as the divine miracles performed by Luang Por Songk brought them closer to their deepest desires and aspirations.

Biography of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro

Biographical photograph of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro (2432 - 2526 BE)

Biographical photograph of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro (2432 – 2526 BE)

The life journey of Luang Por Songk Chantasaro was one intertwined with spiritual exploration, meditation, and unwavering service to others. Let us delve into some key milestones that shaped the extraordinary life of this revered master.

Birth and Early Years

Luang Por Songk Chantasaro entered this world on a sacred Tuesday, during the first phase of the sixth month in the Lunar Calendar of the year 2433 BE. Born in Swee Township, nestled amidst the fertile lands where his parents toiled as humble farmers, his path was destined for greatness.

Ordination and Forest Wandering

At the tender age of 18, Luang Por Songk embarked upon the path of enlightenment as a Samanera Novice Monk at Wat Swee. For two years, he immersed himself in the study of Dhamma Vinaya, the profound teachings of Buddhism. However, he temporarily disrobed to assist his family on the farm, a testament to his deep-rooted sense of familial duty.
Image of the Great Luang Por Songk Chantasaro in meditative posture. Luang Por Songk was the abbot of Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi Buddhist temple
Yearning to deepen his spiritual practice, at the age of 21, Luang Por Songk returned to Wat Swee seeking permission to re-ordain as a fully fledged Bhikkhu. His soul yearned for solitude, and he embarked on an extensive journey through forests and mountains. Under the guidance of esteemed masters, he delved into the teachings of Buddhism, honing his meditation techniques, and furthering his spiritual growth.

Attaining Adepthood

After years of unwavering dedication, rigorous training, and a relentless pursuit of wisdom, Luang Por Songk achieved the esteemed status of Maha Thera Gaeji Ajarn. His profound insights, exceptional healing powers, and extraordinary psychic abilities earned him the unwavering reverence of the monastic community and the general public alike.
The Great Luang Phu Songk was known for his Holy Prayer water and its ability to fend off even the most powerful black magic, and was reputed to be able to take Hnang Kwai buffalo skin (sacred magical substance), and Mitmor knifes into the stomach without any wounds or bleeding, and insert magical objects under the skin of a devotee, just by performing incantations.

Establishing Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Inspired by his spiritual calling, Luang Por Songk established Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi—a sanctuary of peace nestled amidst the serene beauty of Chumphon. This sacred abode became a beacon of hope for spiritual seekers, who sought solace, guidance, and the blessings bestowed by the enlightened master.
Look Om Ya Soop Luang Phu Songk Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

Legacy and Passing

Luang Por Songk’s physical presence may have transcended to the realm of eternal bliss in the year 2552 BE, but his spiritual legacy lives on, inspiring and uplifting the lives of countless individuals. His profound teachings continue to guide seekers on their path towards enlightenment, and his benevolent presence is felt by all those who seek his wisdom.
Amulets of Luang Phu Songk, Wat Jao Fa Sala Loi

The magical amulets and blessings of Luang Por Songk continue to bless the lives of those who connect with his enchanted Ya Sen and other amulets many of which were sprayed and blessed in the sacred Holy Prayer Water of Luang Phu Songk. The magic of his divine blessings remains an eternal source of healing, protection, and spiritual elevation to those who revere this Great Khao Or Lineage Buddhist Master.

Lp Sanguan

A rare and famous classic Thai Buddhist amulet from yester-year; of the ‘Krueang Rang’ talismanic variety The Look Om Maha Sanaeh in Nuea Tao Pong Yuk Wat Mai Phai (sacred powders from the Wat Mai Phai early era), with Pong Ittijae powders, from Supannburi Master Luang Por Sanguan, of Wat Phai Pan Mer, released in 2500 BE, the anniversary of 2500 Years of Buddhism.

Look Om Nuea Tao 2500 BE Thai Amulet LP Sanguan

Luang Por Sanguan, was a very famous master of his time by hearsay, for his reputation preceded him, by devotees telling their stories of his powerful amulets, and the successes they had with them, and from his great merits as a monk. He was famous for Metta Maha Niyom Magic above all, and is known to have made a large variety of different types of amulets, for, as was often the case with 19th and 20th Century Master Monks, he was an Adept in many Magical Wicha. But perhaps the most famous of his Wicha was the Look Om Tao, for its immense power to charm and enchant.

LP Sanguan of Wat Phai Pan Mer in Supannburi

His many sacred powder amulets were considered extremely powerful, through Luang Por’s use of Sacred Pong Ittijae Muan Sarn Powders which were made by Luang Por Sanguan himself, over his whole lifetime trajectory, constantly rewriting the Sacred Pong Lob Yantra and repeating the empowerment on the powders. This repeated empowerment of the Ittijae powders over many years of his practice.

Luang Por Sanguan is known to have mastered all of the methods for all five of the ‘Pong Wised’ Sacred Muan Sarn Powders; Pong Bpathamang, Puttakun, Trinisinghae, Ittijae, and Maharach. He was especially known for his ability to mix these powders with sacred herbs and other ingredients. He would empower with Metta Maha Niyom and Maha Sanaeh Magical Power of Attraction.

Look Om Nuea Tao LP Sanguan


His Look Om became legendary for its Maha Sanaeh power so much, that it gained the nickname of ‘Look Plaek Mae’, which means ‘Makes Son and Mother do not recognizer each other’. This of course is a folk nickname, and is slighly rude, but insinuates that the power of the Look Om Tao, was able to improve even the most unlikely of chances, of charming a person who would otherwise not be interested in you.

It is known that Luang Por would always rely on his Pong Ittijae powders created over a lifetime of practice, to ensure the power within his amulets. This was because he had developed a special affinity with the empowerment of Pong Ittijae. Every time he would release amulets, he would make Look Om sacred powder balls from the Pong Ittijae surplus. Apart from Pong Ittijae, he is also known to have included Rae Saket Daw (meteorite flakes), sacred earths from Wat Ban Krang, and sacred relic minerals found at the temple of Wat Phai Pan Mer.

Close up of Muan Sarn Powders of Look Om Nuea Tao amulet

If we look at the Look Om of Luang Por Sanguan, over his life trajectory, we can see that his early era Look Om were mixed with other ngredients, such as sacred earths, herbs, betal-areca nut paste, channaroeng stingless bees nest paste, and powdered flakes of meteorite.

However, if we look at the Look Om which were made at Wat Phai Pan Mer after his years of Tudong preceding, we can see the sacred clay to be much more uniform like the clay used for his Pra Somdej, resulting in a hard smooth surface that is easy to recognize, even for beginners in the art of studying amulets. Their appearance is very uniform with equally high distribution of Pong Ittijae in each amulet.

This is because towards the latter part of his life, he did not go out on Tudong to the forests anymore to collect other herbs and ingredients, and would use his own Pong Ittijae. It is said that there is a Takrut Maja Sanaeh hidden within the Look Om, intended to increase power of attraction, and good business sales and customer count. Luang Por Sanguan would always oversee the mixing of Muan Sarn to make the sacred clay, and instruct his apprentice monks at the temple in assisting to press the many amulets which were released in each edition.

Close up of Muan Sarn Powders of Look Om Nuea Tao

It is officially accounted from many devotees who visited the temple, that they always witnessed Luang Por Sanguan inscribing Yantra every evening, using a Ruesi Chalk stick made from Yantra powders, to inscribe the hundreds of Sacred Yant used to make POng Lob powders, and keep reusing the chalk residues to make new Ruesi chalk stiicks and repeat the process, for years on end. He would constantly empower the powders he made with incantations, and prayers, taking them into the shrineroom for morning and evening prayers to receive the vibrations of the monks chanting. He would make Look Om himself by mixing the powders with prayer water and other mediums and roll them in his hand, and blow his spells into them, during his nightly withdrawal from the world.

Look Om Nuea Tao 2500 BE - Luang Por Sanguan Wat Phai Pan Mer

The Great Luang Por Pae, of Wat Pikul Tong in Singhburi is known to have often lauded Luang Por Sanguan, saying ‘Ajarn Sanguan makes very powerful Ittijae powders’. Whenever Luang Por Pae would have a Putta Pisek (Buddha Abhiseka) blessing ceremony, he would always invite Luang Por Sanguan to attend, and send people to go and pick him up and bring him to the temple. In return, it is said that Luang Por Sanguan would always tell his students that Luang Por Pae was a Great and Meritorious monk, and that if they found themselves in Singhburi Province, they should go visit him and pay respects.

Look Om Nuea Tao LP Sanguan Wat Phai Pan Mer

Kata for Luang Por Sanguan & His Amulets

Kata (Incantation/Prayer) for amulets of Luang Por Sanguan;

Idti Bpi So Pa Ka Waa Sam Maa Sam Put To Na Mo Put Taa Ya Idti Bpaara Mi Dtaa Dting Saa Idti Sap Pan Ya Maaka Dtaa Idti Po Ti Ma Nu Bpa Dto Idti Bpi So Ja Dtae Na Mo

Kon Tang Hlaay Rak Sa Maa Ka Dtaa So Taa Ya Om Sri Sri Sawad Jaroen – Hnaa Guu Ngaam Hmuean Pra Jantr Muea Wan Pen Bukkon Hen Rak Kon Hen Kon Tak Guu Kun Keuy Dueay Decha Pra Putta Jao Dtrat Waa

Aewam Mae Sudtang Aegang Sa Ma Yang Pa Ka Waa Pitsawaat Hlong Hlai Pitsamay Naeb Nuea Jai Jidtr Kid Teung Klao Kleung Winyaa Wichaa Ja Ra Na Sam Bpan No Ya Taa So Sap Pae Cha Naa Pa Huu Cha Naa

Bpi Maedtaa Bpi Garunaa – Na Maedtaa Mo Garunaa Put Bpen Ti Rak Taa Hai Hen Prajaks Ya Hai Yin Dee Ya Han Dta Waa Taa Mao Mua Put Paa Dtua Ao Ma Haa Guu Mo Som Suu Na Yoo Duay Jon Dtua Dtaay

Idt Thii Hi Bpuu Chi Dtang Sap Pa Sukh Khang Ja Ma Haa Laa Pang Sap Pa Gro Tang Wi Naas San Dti Saa Ra Pad Sa Dtruu Wi Naas San Dti

Om La Luay Ma Haa La Luay Krai Hen Hnaa Guu Gor Ngong Nguay Jong Jai Rak Tak Praa Say On La Mai Ma Haa Guu A Sang Wi Su Lo Bu Sa Pu Pa Na Ma Pa Ta Iswaa Su Ma A U Jidt Dtang Waa Maa Ni Maa

Look Om Chan Hmak Mid Era Luang Por Tob

One of the more famous types of ‘Krueang Rang’ talismanic amulets of the Great Luang Por Tob (Wat Chon Daen), is the Look Om Chan Hmak Gesa, Sacred Areca-Betel Nut powder ball with Monks hairs, which was most commonly distributed with a cover wrapped in cord with a cord pendant hoop. Most would be wrapped with plain coloured cord, but some special ones were wrapped in tricoloured cords (red white and blue for the Thai Flag), which is known as ‘Trairong’, or ‘Tong Chart’ (meaning ‘National Flag’).

Look Om Chan Hmak Thak Chueak Tong Chart Luang Por Tob

Look Om Chan Hmak Thak Chueak Tong Chart Luang Por Tob

The olden days folk of Pechaburn are said to have preferred the following three types of amulets of Luang Por Tob above all others;

  1. Look Om Chan Hmak
  2.  See Pheung Metta Balm
  3. Takrut

This is because the folk of olden days noticed the effects of these amulets almost immediately after wearing them, and the effects of the amulet were highly noticeable above any doubt of coincidence.

Look Om Chan Hmak Luang Por Tob (Early Era)

It is said that whoever manages to possess all three of these sacred items, is blessed with extremely powerful blessings and will experience immensely luck and good fortunes.

The Look Om Chan Hmak of Luang Por Tob has many legends of miraculous events with devotees who used the Look Om, such as the story of the great Gangster Suea Kam Mee, who was a feared gunman of Hlom Sak District, who was shot with M16 by the police, and the bullets did not pierce his skin or kill him.

When Suea Kam Mee became old and gray, eventually his Look Om Luang Por Tob fell off (the cord ring broke), and he stopped wearing it. Within a few days of not wearing the Look Om he was shot again by enemies, and killed. Suea kam Mee’s grandson one day decided to open the cord wrapping of Suea Kam Mee’s Look Om to see what was inside, and found it to be made of Chan Hmak Betel Areca Nut with Monks hairs mixed in, with a Takrut inserted within it.

Look Om Chan Hmak Luang Por Tob

Luang Por Tob made Look Om over many years, so the Look Om of Luang Por Tob can be found from various eras. he made them in various ways with various appearances, such as bare powder balls rolled with the hand, others wrapped with cords, and even sometimes molded into the shape of Buddha amulets.

Luang Por Tob would mix his Chan Hmak chewed betel-areca with Nam Mont Holy Prayer Water, and add some monk hairs, and roll the paste up into a ball, and wrap it with various kinds of woven cords, depending on which kind of cords were available to him at the time. He would allow his devotees to help him to bind the Look Om with the cords, resulting in some people wrapping them left-handed, and others wrapping them right handed fashion. Some devotees would wrap a single weave, others double or triple weave, resulting in the Look Om of Luang Por Tob having a a large variation of appearances as far as the cord wrapping is concerned.

Sacred Betel Areca Nut Wishing Ball Luang Por Tob

Sacred Betel Areca Nut Wishing Ball Luang Por Tob

But the actual Loom Om when finished had the rule that there had to be a pendant hoop attached, and fully enclosed with cord, with the weave having the appearance of a honeycomb pattern

In the mid and later era of his trajectory, Luang Por Tob began to use See Pheung to coat the Look Om with before wrapping them (and those which were not wrapped too). Some Look Om can be seen visibly to have some See Pheung leaks on the surface of the Look Om, or the cord wrap, which would indicate that the Look Om came from the mid or later era, not the early era where Luang Por did not yet use See Pheung to coat the Look Om with.

Luang Por Tob Wat Chang Phueak (Wat Chon Daen)

Luang Por Tob Wat Chang Phueak (Wat Chon Daen)

The See Pheung he would use would have to be previously empowered before using to coat the Look Om. A Ceremony was made for the See Pheung to be boiled with constant incantations. Luang Por Tob’s apprentices (Luang Por Tong, Pra Giang and Samanera Nid), would assist to collect the residues of the chewed betal-areca and roll them into Look Om, or even into the shape of Buddha amulets.
Luang Por Tob would only perform such a ceremony to make these amulets once every few years, because it was difficult to collect enough Muan Sarn to be able to perform the ceremony properly, and this took a long time to gather enough chewed betel-areca, and the ingredients for the See Pheung

When he would perform these ceremonies, some devotees would sit and wait for them to finish and ask for look om fresh from the ceremony (still not dry), and others would come later to ask for one after they were dried out.

Luang Por Tob of Wat Chon Daen

Luang Por Tob of Wat Chon Daen

The Look Om were always amongst the most popular amulets with his devotees, because they were small and easy to carry/wear, and because of their undoubtable power.

The Looksit of Luang Por Tob value the Look Om Chan Hmak very highly, because they believe that when Luang Por used to chew the betel-areca nuts with his eyes closed in meditation, that he would enter the Jhanic states of absorption. It is considered to be a fact that true empowerment of amulets is performed by the attainment of arupa jhana (formless state of absorption), and so the Looksit believe that the Look Om of Luang Por Tob were properly and poerfully blessed using the correct and powerful method of empowerment

Whoever was able to visit Luang Por Tob and ask for some of his Chan Hmak chewed betel-areca is considered extremely lucky, because Luang Por Tob would only spit it out if asked, and would otherwise always swallow it all, making the Chan Hmak a rare thing to obtain. His Looksit would sit watching him meditate and wait to ask him for some Chan Hmak, in fear of blinking in case he swallowed it before they could ask.

If Luang Por Tob would chew betel in the night time, he would sometimes spit the betel-areca out onto the cliffside near his hut, and when the sediment had accumulated enough, he would ask his apprentices to collect it and gather for later to make amulets with. This was because the number of devotees who had begun to ask for Look Om had become ten times more than the amount he was able to make during the day, and was ever increasing, so Luang Por had to look for ways to increase the amount of Chan Hmak he was able to make for the devotees.

Look Om Chan Hmak See Pheung Luang Por Tob

Look Om Chan Hmak See Pheung Luang Por Tob

The Look Om became famous over the years because of the large number of miraculous stories of devotees experiencing life saving miracles, with Klaew Klaad and Kong Grapan Chadtri protection involved.

Many people would travel to the temple from far afield to ask for Look Om Chan Hmak,and the number of devotees were ever increasing. So Luang Por decided to find a way to provide more to the people, and ordered his looksit to begin a new admixture that was easier to make larger quantity of, by mixing Betel-Areca with the Bai Plu leaf, the chewing cement (Poon Hmak), and mix with his Ya Chun rolling tobacco and other sacred ingredients, which were then mxed into a larg mound of sacred clay and given to Luang Por Tob on a tray to empower the sacred clay in solo.

The samaneras and other apprentice monks of Luang Por Tob would then take the tray of clay and mix it all together again in a large mortar bowl with the previous trays they had made for Luang Por to empower, and keep repeating the process until they had enough of the clay to make a complete edition with.

Then they took the final admixture and returned it to Luang Por Tob for a second empowerment to ensure the power of the Muan Sarn Clay to be as powerful as possible, They then molded the clay into balls and wrapped them with cord, to make them durable against the weather and wear and tear. Once the Look Om were all made, they were placed on a receptacle and returned once more to Luang Por Tob for a further empowerment session.

Look Om Chan Hmak Thak Chueak Early Era Luang Por Tob

Look Om Chan Hmak Thak Chueak Early Era Luang Por Tob

The Look Om which were not wrapped in cord were taken and dried out in the sun. The apprentices would take the still wet clay and lay them out to dry and wrap them in a piece of cloth and tie it up. This is why some of Luang Por Tob’s Look Om are found wrapped inside a piece of cloth, instead of woven cord.

Some apprentices would take a piece of rattan and place the Look Om inside it, and seal the rattan with some Krang Putsa paste, or some candle wax from sacred candles, or even tree sap. Ther apprentices would roll the Chan Hmak into a tiny ball and cover it in Krang Putsa resinous paste and apply flame to the Krang Putsa to seal it around the Look Om. After some time the Krang Putsa paste ran out, so the apprentices would use Khee Pheung Borisut pure forest beesnest beeswax, which was used for making See Pheung, and heat it to make it malleable, and cover the Look Om with it
They would wrap them in cords, and dip the cord wrapped Look Om in Melted beeswax to seal them up and prevent water or insects from being able to get inside. After this, they then began to distribute the Look Om to devotees, and the rest, is History.

Look Om Maha Gan Luang Por Kong Wat Bang Gaporm

Look Om Maha Gan Nuea Pong Wised Luang Por Kong Wat Bang Gaporm circa 2480 BE

Presenting a Look Om of  ‘Benjapakee of Look Om’ Top 5 Status, the Look Om Maha Gan of Luang Por Kong, Wat Bang Gaporm

Sacred Look Om Maha Gan Luang Por Kong Wat Bang Gaporm

The Look Om of Luang Por Kong are famed amongst the top Look Om amulets of all Masters. The Look Om of Luang Por Kong, is classed as one of the five top Look om within the ‘Benjapakee’ of Top Look Om of the five Regions of Thailand. The five members of the Look Om Benjapakee are;

1. Look Om Maha Jinda Mani Montrakom of Pra Palad Parn, Wat Tukata (who was the Upachaya of Luang Phu Bun Wat Klang Bang Gaew) 2. Look Om Maha Gan of Luang Por Kong, Wat Bang Gapom 3. Look Om Grao Paetch of Luang Por Parn, Wat Bang Nom Ko 4. Look Paya Chang Sarn of Wat Bang Wua (Luang Por Ding), and 5. the Look Om of Luang Por Pring, Wat Bang Bakork. The Look Om of Luang Por Kong are found in white, black, gray, brown and pinkish colours, each of which have their points of recognition of the content of the Muan Sarn Sacred Powders in each respective colour.

Look Om Maha Gan Luang Por Kong

It is not every day that one can be lucky enough to encounter the Look Om Luang Por Kong, a Rare Classic Sacred Powder Wishing Ball from the World War Two Era, from a Gaeji Ajarn of Old whose Look Om carry the status of Niyom Category Benjapakee Top 5 Look Om, of Master-Class!

Luang Por Kong (3rd April 2407 – 6th February 2486 BE)

Luang Por Kong Wat Bang Gaporm is a name that devotees have been uttering for over a century now, and which is a name that resounds with fame for Patipata (Purity of Practice) as well as for Wityakom (Wicha Saiyasart Buddha Magic Sorcery).

Luang Por Kong was one of the abbots of Wat Bang Gaporm in Amphoe Ampawa in Samut Songkram, whose Rian Kanajarn Monk Coins are said to be the second most popular monk coins of that era, after Luang Por Gaew of Wat Puang Malai. His Rian Tong Daeng holds fourth position in the most popular coins of all time of the Benjapakee Coin Amulet Family (Most Popular Monk Coins of the Five Main regions of Thailand). His famous Run Badtr Dtan 2486 BE coin in silver with Rachawadee enamels, is very famed for the number of persons who had miraculous events occur whilst wearing the amulet.

Look Om Maha Gan amulet by Luang Por Kong Wat Bang Gaporm

Luang Por Kong was Ordained into the Sangha in 2427 BE in the month of August with Pra Ajarn  Duang as Upachaya Ordaining Officer, and Pra Ajarn  Jui as his Gammawajajarn Prompting Officer and Ajarn Tim of Wat Mueang Mai as his Anusawanajarn Witness. Plus 25 Ordained Monks of the temple attended as witnesses. He was given the ‘Chāyā’ Monk’s Name of ‘Tammachōdtō’, which means ‘He who Advances in Dhamma’

Once he had Ordained, Luang Por Kong began to study and master Pali Sanskrit Grammar, which he found himself to have a great affinity for. He spent 13 years studying and mastering the translation of many Kampira Grimoires with his Kroo Ba Ajarn, and developed immense ability and fluency in Khom Pali Sanskrit. He also took intense interest in the Wicha Prawaet Wityakom (Buddha Magic and Occult Sorcery). He began to practice Magic right from the very beginning of his ordination starting with Pra Ajarn  Duang, his Upachaya, who taught him to master the Wicha Tam Pong Lob Sacred Yantra Powder making ritual method. Luang Por Kong continued to gather Wicha from Luang Por Dtard of Wat Ban Wan Tong, who was a Master Adept of the Wicha Na Bad Dtalord. It was said that Luang Por Dtard was able to blow a Yantra spell through the crown of the head of a devotee sat on a blackboard, and make the Yantra pass through, and appear on the blackboard the devotee was sitting on.

This Wicha which Luang Por Kong Mastered, was the very same Wicha which the great Gaeji Ajarn Luang Por Tong Sukh had also learned from the very same Master. Luang Por Kong also was bestowed Wicha by Luang Por Hrun, of Wat Chang Phueak, who was a monk who possessed supernatural abilities, and who is famed for having passed away seated in meditation.

In his 21st Year of Ordination, the folk of the Municipality Invited Luang Por Kong to accept the position of Abbot of Wat Bang Gaporm, and perform the duty of caring for the temple and its development, and the faith of the devotees of the temple. Luang Por Kong built various edifices to improve the temple in his lifetime, as well as creating the Pra Pha Lelai Buddha statue, and perform many restorations within the temple enclave. His practice and teachings were a source of hope and inspiration to the local Thai Buddhist Folk, for he was always ready and willing to come to the aid of his congregation when asked for help.

Luang Por Kong became ill in the end because he never stopped doing his endless duties, be it building Buddha statues, restoration works on temple buildings, creating and blessing amulets, and attending to the calls of the congregation.  In the 4th Month of each year, he would take his Glod (Umbrella with Mosquito Net), and stay in the cemetery at the side of the temple. He would practice Tudong 13 there for a period of 1 Month each Year. He considered this a self purification practice after spending the whole year busy with the needs of the world, and a withdrawal from the world to reflect on his own practice.

Look Om Maha Gab Sacred Powder Ball Amulet Luang Por Kong

The Miraculous Passing of Luang Por Kong

On the 6th February 2485 BE, Luang Por Kong was seated performing the chanting of the instalment of a Buddha-Rupa image of a local shop in the township, when, just as he had finished blessing the Topknot of the Buddha statue after opening the eyes of the Buddha, he became dizzy and fell to be caught by other Bhikkhus. He was able to regain his awareness and asked to be helped into the meditation posture, where he sat then and entered meditation, and passed away silently.

His devotees remained seated in silence for a long time before they realised he had passed away, and even longer before they could bring themselves to bring Luang Por Kong’s body down from the shop premises.

And so it was that Luang Por Kong passed away in Meditation after blessing a Buddha-Rupa, on 6th February 2485 BE, at age 78, after 58 years of Ordained Life.